Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Nepal- Listener Questions-What’s It Like?

I’m starting a short-form version of the podcast with a question/answer format. Send me your questions about travel in East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia. Whether it’s ziplining in Laos, trekking in Nepal, finding a place for great pad thai in Bangkok, or where to go for awesome (shui jian bao, dumpling buns), in Taipei. Send me your questions to either, johnsaboesfareasttravels on Instagram, or Far East Adventure Travel or John Saboe Official on Facebook.
This week’s question comes from Orange via Instagram and Orange wanted to more about the Annapurna Base Camp Trek in Nepal, especially what it would be like to trek in June. Thanks so much for listening!

About the Author John Saboe

I am a broadcaster, photographer, writer and videographer with a passion for travel throughout Asia. I love making connections and engaging with people. I am spiritual and seek adventure wherever I go.

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