Giant Ghost Feast Ritual in Taipei, Taiwan

What a thrill it was to watch the giant feast offering for the hungry ghosts at the recent “Pudu” ritual at Taipei, Taiwan’s Provincial City God Temple.
During the 7th month of every lunar calendar year ghosts or “good brothers”, as they are politely referred to by Taiwanese, walk the earth potentially causing trouble for the living. Food, drink, other offerings, and prayers are offered to appease the wandering ghosts.
Taiwan Provincial City God Temple in Taipei City, Taiwan holds one of the biggest “Pudus” on the 25th day of the lunar calendar month. The Taipei City mayor is invited every year to help initiate the event and thousands show up throughout the day to bring offerings of food, drink, and other items and watch the rites performed with help of Taoist and Buddhist monks.
The local media was out in full force to cover the event and would probably out number any North American city of the same size.
I was impressed with the amount and variety food that was brought to the Taiwan Provincial City God Temple and my friend Wayne Chen shared with me that many of the items are donated to charity as well as local aboriginal tribes in Central and Southern Taiwan once the rites have been completed at the Pudu.
I want to thank the director of the temple Chan Ling Chuan and Wayne Chen for inviting me to the Pudu along with all of the wonderful volunteers that work very hard to put together this event.
Taiwan is an amazing place filled with a fascinating rich vibrant culture. I hope on your visit you are exposed to these great festivals and rituals and the hospitality of the Taiwanese. I am in desperate need of upgrades to my video equipment. Please visit my crowdfunding page. If you enjoy these videos I create a donation will help me to bring you better quality content from Taiwan and across Asia.
Thank you! John

About the Author John Saboe

I am a broadcaster, photographer, writer and videographer with a passion for travel throughout Asia. I love making connections and engaging with people. I am spiritual and seek adventure wherever I go.

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