Nepal Earthquakes 2015-First Impressions, A Personal Account

On April 25, 2015 a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8  shook Nepal triggering one of the worst catastrophes in the history of the country. Many aftershocks followed, thousands were killed, more were injured and left homeless. 

The country was shaken by another serious tremor registering 7.3 on May 12th right about the time I was scheduled to arrive in Kathmandu. I was there to document the current situation and to assess conditions for travellers. However my flight’s descent into Tribhuvan Airport was delayed for 90 minutes to allow for safety checks.

When I finally arrived at the airport and hired a car to take me into the Thamel section of the city I found the normally busy and vibrant streets almost completely vacated. From a previous Periscope live stream here’s my account of what I saw as I traveled from the airport to the Thamel section of Kathmandu that day.

Thanks so much for listening to Far East Adventure Travel. There will be more to come on the 2015 earthquakes of Nepal and the current conditions for travellers visiting the country.

You can also follow the Far East Adventure Travel and Far East Adventure Travel Nepal Facebook pages for images, videos, and more stories and inspiration for your next big adventure in Asia. You can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Periscope, all of the links are at

Thanks so much for listening, until next time this is John Saboe. Safe travels, and Namaste!

About the Author John Saboe

I am a broadcaster, photographer, writer and videographer with a passion for travel throughout Asia. I love making connections and engaging with people. I am spiritual and seek adventure wherever I go.

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