On The Road -Exploring Exotic Fort Cochin-Kerala, India

An ancient Chinese fishing net and traditional fishing boats are still used to catch a variety of fish and creatures from the sea in Fort Cochin-Kerala, India

An ancient Chinese fishing net and traditional fishing boats are still used to catch a variety of fish and creatures from the sea in Fort Cochin-Kerala, India

I am now 50 plus days on the road in South Asia. It honestly has felt like I’ve lived several travel lives on this epic adventure.

From trekking over the Thorung La Pass in Nepal to exploring the neighborhoods filled with treasures from the British Raj in Mumbai, India it has also been a travel experience full of personal growth.

India is a place I have visited before and learned alot about myself and how to deal with some of the most challenging situations a traveler can encounter in Asia. Continuously approached with offers for service that include everything from a taxi ride to a body massage along with strong and persistent souvenir sellers is a monumental exercise in patience and control over emotions.

In India, especially large cities like Mumbai begging is a serious problem, again challenging if you are not used to the intensity and persistence of a woman, or man, approaching you with baby in arms, many times not theirs, asking for money for chapati,(bread), sometimes following you for a whole city block, through traffic even!

Many people have asked me in the past what it’s like to travel in India. I usually tell them it will frustrate you, make you angry, sad, enlightened and joyful. That’s India!

In my latest podcast I introduce you to some of the sites found in Fort Cochin, in Kerala, India.

My first impressions of the state are very positive with friendly people, a calm atmosphere, lovely scenery, and beautiful buildings from the Dutch, Portuguese, and British eras of rule.

I hope you enjoy the latest Far East Adventure Travel Podcast on the road in Fort Cochin-Kerala, India.

About the Author John Saboe

I am a broadcaster, photographer, writer and videographer with a passion for travel throughout Asia. I love making connections and engaging with people. I am spiritual and seek adventure wherever I go.

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