Travel Blogging-How To Build A Successful Brand with Travel Blogger Bruno Black

Travel blogging has become one of the most sought after new media careers. It’s sounds extremely attractive, getting paid to travel, staying in luxury hotels. But how do you get started? I recently spoke with travelblogger Bruno Black, who’s also the founder of a very successful branding/marketing agency based in Taiwan. Bruno travel blogs some of the more interesting and off the beaten path sites in Taiwan along with managing social media platforms for The Taiwan Tourism Bureau. Since his role with Taiwan Tourism also involves selecting travelbloggers to visit the island I thought he would have some great advice to offer those interested in pursing a career or sideline as a travel blogger. We also discuss a few of the many attractions, including some very unusual sites that visitors can expect to see on trip to Taiwan.

Contact Bruno about travel blogging in Taiwan or arranging travel exursions or tours:

For more information on his branding agency/marketin and doing business in China visit:

About the Author John Saboe

I am a broadcaster, photographer, writer and videographer with a passion for travel throughout Asia. I love making connections and engaging with people. I am spiritual and seek adventure wherever I go.

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